Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Boot Model

I first used the "boot model" back in 1973 when I was attending The Sunrise Toastmaster Club in Phoenix. One of my main interests in those days was recruiting new members into our club.
During the four years I participated, no one brought in more new people than I. To help me with this "calling," I developed the Boot Model.

I drew a cowboy boot about the like the one you see here. So went my little membership presentation, , ,

"'Like the big opening at the top of the boot, we are an easy group to join. We don't make a lot of demands on you. No fancy initiations, rituals or hoops to jump through.

"And once your in our club, we are on your side. You see, learning how to speak in public, outside of Toastmasters can be cruel. We're here to protect you from this rattlesnake infested world, like the high-topped part of the boot.

"As you sink down into your new piece of footwear, you'll notice that right around the center of your foot, it fits rather snugly. That's because the better it fits the more support it offers you. We want to offer you that same kind of support as you learn and practice the craft of public speaking.

"Next, you'll notice the height of the heel. It will give you a new angle on everything you see. Our club will do exactly that. You'll see public speaking from a new and exciting view point.

"Once an old feller from back east asked a cowboy why the toe of his boot was pointed. With out hesitation the cowboy answered, "to kill the cock roaches in the corner of the room." It's there for function. And we want to be just that in your presenting career."

So there you have it, Waynes' Boot Model. It can be adapted to any organization or group or culture. A ten-step program. The new teachers at your school this year. Or, your local chapter of ASTD.

Use it and then tell me how it works.


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