Friday, May 21, 2010

Public Speakers 5 Biggest Questions, Part One

We’ve all had them, , , back when we began getting up front. Those daunting five questions. . .

1. How do I overcome stage fright, , , forever? Followed by, , ,

2. How do I find a red-hot topic? One that will inform, educate, entertain and down-right dazzle my audiences?

3. How do I learn how to speak without notes? This one baffles thousands of beginning speakers and presenters around the world every day. And there is a simple answer.

4. How can I turn my Toastmasters experience into a profitable speaking career? It’s a dilemma few speaking teachers and tutors will touch.

5. How can I “own” a topic already saturated with top professional speakers? These are the questions that constantly trouble every beginning presenter and public speaker.

I do not want to over-simplify these five riddles (They are serious questions.), but I’m about to offer you one solution for all of these five, very different problems.

It might be called “Wayne’s Super Fix.”

In part two I will reveal my secret fix, , , one that no public speaking coach ever talks about.


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