Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Single Visual Aid Method

Introducing: The Single Visual Aid Method

It suggest that the most effective use of visual aids is a single visual aid presented on a single frame. And there’s little difference if it’s on a PowerPoint slide or drawn free-hand on a flip chart or whiteboard.

The “single visual” approach to public speaking, presenting and writing is not just my own idea. History and hundreds of world-class presenters proves its value.

Over the last 60 years, great thinkers and presenters have successfully used this untaught principle to shape our culture with this “single model” approach.

I’m going to list a dozen of them right here. And I hope that you’ll catch on to how important this proven technique should be to every one who speaks, teaches or writes.

They Have Changed the World
Here’s my starter list of world-class experts with their “culture changing visual aids ”*
Abraham Maslows’, Hierarchy of Human Needs
The Transactional Analysis movements’, 3 circle, PAC model
Theodore Levitts’, The Product Life Cycle
Boston Consulting Groups’, Barnyard Matrix
The Myers Briggs’ Type Indicator, 16 square matrix
The USDAs’, Food Group model
Michael Porters’, Five Competitive Forces Model
Stephen Coveys’, First Things First matrix
Robert Kiyosakis’, EBSI financial model
Seth Godins’, The Dip Model
John Kotters’, Management-Leadership Matrix
Chris Andersons’, The Long Tail model

My friend, every one of these are people (or groups) have profoundly effected how our world thinks. And they have “powered” their messages with the visual aids they have use.  And, I have over 400 such graphics in my files. It’s a collection that spans over 50 years of thinking and presenting.

The Good News
These are not the ideas or methods of a bunch of “cubical dwellers.” Most of these people have (or have had) huge and prosperous speaking, consulting and writing careers.

Now the good news!

These people do not have a monopoly of the “single visual” method. Every speaker, great and small, can use this technique.

It makes no difference whether you are in a freshman speech class or a world-famous celebrity adding to their arsenal of up-front skills.

I call this time-tested, career-elevating method, Theme Model speaking, much like a theme statement for an academic paper, or theatrical production. Or, a visual version of a written theme statement.

And, there’s a whole seminar on the topic called How to Draw Your Message for Fun and Huge Profit.

For now, simply hook the Theme Model idea up with the twelve visual aids listed in this article and your presenting can take a giant leap forward, beginning with your very next speech.

* If you want to view all of the visual aids referenced here, do a Google or Google Images search on these world-class experts listed here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Daily Carrot Principle, By Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton

Says review writer, Cynthia Hanevy, “I just started reading The Daily Carrot Principle: 365 Ways to Enhance Your Career and Life and I like it. It's a quick read-crisp, clear and fun. The Daily Carrot Principle is organized to be read a page a day for one year.”

And I say “Here are some really practical principles you can quote,” citing this edible little book, and your audience will love you.

Again Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton have done an awesome job.

Here’s my latest quotation slideshow set around beautiful stairways.

