Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Overlap Method

You know how important it is to be able to illustrate, contradiction, paradox and conflict in a way that your audience will respond positively to your message.
I done two “paradox boxes” in previous posts. Today, I’m going to take the idea of extremes to another level, , , and show you another way to convert your contradiction into easy and constructive visual form.

I call the “Up Arrow, Down Arrow” method. You’ll also see the “over-lapping” technique used, that comes from the school of Venn Circles.

The content for this visual technique comes from an old book I’ve had in my Visual Speaking Library, for over a decade, Charles Hampden-Turners,’ Charting the Corporate Mind.

I have his book in my collection because of its’ subtitle, Graphic Solutions to Business Conflict. Its’ graphic content is wonderful.

Snapping? One way he visually deals with conflicts is by showing a rope under tension and in a state of “snapping.” While this picture is often an accurate one, there are times paradox and conflict can and does work constructively in life and in organizations.

And so I have employed the overlapping idea, instead of the snapping concept.

On page 11 and 12 of Hampden-Turners’ book he lists several conflicts typical to business and suggests the metaphor of a Captain and a ship at sea.

Metaphor of the Sea. In the clickable model shown here, the first conflict is continuity (stability of the Captain) and the constant change of the sea. This is a huge extreme of conditions. And so “The Metaphor of the Sea.”

The second great conflict he brings to us is the idea of top down authority and the up flow of shop floor information. And yet both conditions must be there if there if an organization is to, best function.

Differentiate or Integrate.
Third, is the conflict between, “differentiate or integrate.” Both are needed if you are going to see “the whole develop.”

Bring this model up to full screen, click the big start button, then click on the double-right advance button for each succeeding animation.

Try it, , , this Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Overlap Method. I think it will serve you well.


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