Weaving Dreams, Tami Longaberger
Very quotable! That’s Tami Longaberger’s new book, Weaving Dreams: The Joy of Work, The Love of LifeView more presentations or Upload your own.
On her Facebook page she writes, "My goal in writing Weaving Dreams was not only to open the door to Longaberger's past, but also to open my heart and share with readers the unique stories of my personal journey, thoughts and life lessons gained from pursuing my own 'American Dream.' I can't wait for you to read these stores and discover how I maintain a joy for life. I hope this book will be one that prompts self-reflection in your life and offers encouragement each day."
Again presenter friend of mine, , , step up to the power of using current quotations in your speeches and presentations.
And this book is the place to start. It’s material any speaker can use with great effectiveness.
So here’s a quotation slideshow to taste the good advise Longaberger writes.
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